Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Birthday To Julie

Yep it's that time of year. My Birthday. I did have a great birthday that was spread over several weeks. I got some fun stuff from my sister, JoAnna, while I was in California, in fact she actually sent a super early present so I could use it while decorating for Halloween. Then while in Cali my mom took me to a cake store and got me some fun new caking tools and supplies. Once back in Utah my mom came up and took us out for birthday dinner and Jess gave me some awesome new cookie pans that I don't want to use because they are so shinny and new. I also got an amazing gift from Kathy that will set me up for the winter, thanks girl ;) Then on my birthday Terry and Jamison got up early and gave me an amazing canning book and totally surprised me with the Utah dishes I wanted so badly. Jenna also out did herself. When we got home from church she had cleaned the house and decorated the living room and made a yummy salad and cupcakes for lunch. The rest of the day was spent with Terry and Jenna not letting me do a thing. Terry made dinner, Jenna made birthday dessert and Jamison took a nice long nap. :)
It was a super great day thanks to a wonderful husband, the sweetest little boy ever, and great family and friends.

Later in the evening Jenna had some fun birthday games for us to play. Old school baby, pin the tail on the donkey.

Isn't this how all good diabetics celebrate their birthday. Cup Cakes, Cake, and Pudding with fresh whipped cream.

1 comment:

The Lymans said...

Happy Birthday! I would be happy to volunteer to test all of your baking/canning you will be doing since you can only have sugar on your birthday!