Thursday, June 3, 2010


This past memorial Day weekend was spent up in Idaho. We headed up there to join some of Terry's family to get the gutters up on Terry's parents house. It was a great weekend.
We started off with a very smooth car ride thanks to the BEST EVER invention, the Portable DVD Player. Oh the joy, how any parent got along with out one is far beyond me.

Gutter Time. Unfortunately the weather called for rain and thunderstorms all day so the Men Folk had to bite the bullet and get a little wet while working.

On the way home we stooped in Downey at Brent and Connie's so Terry could tag a few sheep. As an added bonus Jamison got to pet some Chickens and Connie took them exploring on her property and we got to check out some of the cows and their calf's.

Terry. Someones having a little to much fun.

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